Sunday, October 19, 2014

Candidate in Newcastle, NSW, Australia calls for free public transport

Newcastle Herald: "THE best way to encourage people to leave their cars at home is by building cycleways suitable for daily commuting and developing fast, free and safe public transport systems.

Such measures would result in fewer accidents, faster travel times and cleaner air."

Monday, October 13, 2014

Krakow, Poland, candidate calls for #freetransit

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Toronto candidate calls for #freetransit

Elect Michael Laxer - Ward 6 City Councillor 2014: Transit: "As Ward 6 City Councillor I will fight to see the Waterfront West LRT plan brought back to connect our Ward with Toronto's downtown in a faster and easier direct route. I will work to see transit expanded city wide and to have revenue tools put in place to finance and maintain this expansion. I will work to integrate GO Transit and TTC routes within the city so that people can use the Lakeshore line as if it was a subway.   I will also fight against any agenda to raise fares and will work towards FREE transit, which should be the environmental and social goal of any government. If Tallinn (the capital of Estonia) and other cities in the world can have FREE or basically free transit, so can Toronto. "

Candidate for mayor of Warsaw, Poland promises #freetransit

BEZPLATNA KOMUNIKACJA MIEJSKA: " "Sasin has announced the introduction of free public transport tickets for Warsaw residents who pay taxes in the capital. Another promise he made to create a cheaper administration offices to adapt the work hours of Warsaw. It was going to also include construction of the Warsaw Technology Park, the creation of the Warsaw school in each dental office, the construction of a special economic zone, the program incubators.""

Monday, August 25, 2014

Wroclaw, Poland, mayoral candidate calls for free public transport

BEZPLATNA KOMUNIKACJA MIEJSKA: "Wiadomości: "Na razie za­sia­da w ra­dzie miej­skiej, ale mówi, że bę­dzie pre­zy­den­tem Wro­cła­wia, a przy niej miesz­kań­cy za­czną się bo­ga­cić. Będą też jeź­dzić dar­mo­wą ko­mu­ni­ka­cją miej­ską. Na razie jed­nak Mi­ro­sła­wa Sta­cho­wiak-Ró­żec­ka, kan­dy­dat­ka PiS na pre­zy­den­ta Wro­cła­wia za­mie­rza prze­ko­nać do swo­ich pla­nów sa­mych wro­cła­wian, bo to oni zde­cy­du­ją o jej przy­szło­ści.""

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Kolobrzeg, Poland, candidate calls for #freetransit

Dymecka has a plan for Kolobrzeg (video): "Violetta Dymecka, leader of the "Agreement for Kolobrzeg" presented to journalists ideas for effective management of the city. They are the foundations of its future electoral program."

Friday, May 23, 2014

Joe Natoli #freetransit advocate many years ago

Free buses? | Noosa News (2008): "Joe Natoli believes free public transport is the answer to Coast traffic gridlock.

But he says the state government will not have a bar of it.

Mr Natoli has "strong views" on the need for public transport, as does rival candidate and Noosa mayor Bob Abbot.

Mr Natoli said that at the local government conference "five or six years ago", he proposed the state government do a cost-benefit analysis of free public transport, against the cost of retrofitting roads.

"I propose to allow students aged 14-plus, the socially disadvantaged and seniors to travel free," he said last week.

Mr Natoli said that was "the first stage" only."

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Free Public Transport advocate runs for Mayor of Livorno, Italy

Free Public Transport: "From a supporter of public transport and popularizer of the concept of gratuitousness of the same, not only applaud along with all the international groups, but call the citizenship of Livorno any political party to support the candidate Philip Nogarin, and all the national and international supporters ask you to do an appropriate publicity and support for the mayoral candidate.

photo credit

Monday, April 28, 2014

We have a candidate in Toronto!

Elect Michael Laxer - Ward 6 City Councillor 2014: Michael Laxer for City Councillor Ward 6: " I will also fight against any agenda to raise fares and will work towards FREE transit, which should be the environmental and social goal of any government."

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Istanbul mayoral candidate calls for free public transport, 24 hour service

AA photo
CHP candidate Sarıgül vows to bring free transportation to many in Istanbul - POLITICS: "“Istanbul needs solutions. If elected, we will solve the traffic problem gradually, starting from March 30 [the day of the local elections]. The solution is in the metro and railway system, which we will extend in the city,” said Sarıgül, vowing to increase investment in public transport.

“There are 104,000 teachers and 13,000 university teachers in Istanbul. Transport will be free for teachers and students. We believe they deserve this,” he added."

Sunday, February 16, 2014

#Freetransit advocate running for Toronto City Council

Elect Michael Laxer - Ward 6 City Councillor 2014: Michael Laxer for City Councillor Ward 6: "As Ward 6 City Councillor I will fight to see the Waterfront West LRT plan brought back to connect our Ward with Toronto's downtown in a faster and easier direct route. I will work to see transit expanded city wide and to have revenue tools put in place to finance and maintain this expansion. I will work to integrate GO Transit and TTC routes within the city so that people can use the Lakeshore line as if it was a subway.  I will also fight against any agenda to raise fares and will work towards FREE transit, which should be the environmental and social goal of any government."